Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving family! I hope you have a very special day filled with yummy food and good company. Some of our friends invited us to their house for Thanksgiving, so don't worry about us being lonely. We have made some yummy treats to share, maybe I'll put up pictures. Well Happy Thanksgiving and I'm Thankful you're all a part of my family!


silleeg said...

Stef, what a nice post! Glad you have somewhere fun to go today. We spend this morning putting up our Christmas tree and decorating the house. That was thrilling for the kids. Our homemade ornaments turned out so cute and we enjoyed Hello Dollies while we decorated this morning.

Hope everyone has a good day! I love you all and look forward to seeing those we get to see at the next Holiday!

taryn_swims_ said...

I'm hungry now.

taryn_swims_ said...

Since I no longer am able to post under my own name, (I heard that groan all the way from KS), I'm using Taryn's. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Mom and Dad said...

Thanks, Stef, for the post and the very sweet Thanksgiving wishes. Thank you for your expressions of gratitude for your family. This has made me feel more grateful than ever for each of my children, children-in-law, and grandchildren. A very happy day to all of you! Please do post pictures, Stef.

Lewis said...

Happy Thanxgiving to everybody. I wish you were all here. It's in the high 40* today and very comfortable, though I can't understand why my family wants to turn the heat one. I always wondered what that switch on the thermostat did! We did our turkey on Tuesday when everybody was home at the same time. Have a happy Black Friday if you're brave enough to dare the crowds! (not me)

Stefley said...

We are totally going out shopping at 6am!! I can't wait!!cha-ching!