Sunday, November 25, 2007

The longest I've ever been gone!

I'm back in southern CA again. I drove back last night in the full moon. It was glorious! This past two weeks is the longest I have ever been away from my Nutro office. I came back early so I can go in tomorrow and reassure everybody I'm still alive. :) A noble gesture, don't you think? According to Nutro's fiscal calendar, tomorrow will be the first order day of December, so Merry Christmas to all of you!


silleeg said...

Hope your time off work was enjoyable! Glad you got back to CA safely!

Mom and Dad said...

glad you made it safely back to CA. Hope you got/are getting lots of sleep. We made it to St. George about 3:30. The traffic going to CA was terrible!! We are glad you weren't in it.

Lewis said...

The heaviest part of the return traffic was in the Gorge. Today they started construction, but had all the traffic controls out except the cones, so some people believed the speed limit signs and others didn't, so it was one huge mess. The only other trouble I had was coming down the hill into Barstow where the truck lane ends. It was slow approaching that till going up the hill again when the 40 joins, then it's 3-4 lanes the rest of the way in. Hurrah!