Saturday, November 10, 2007

Arch Overlook Trailhead

Lo and behold I had off from WalMart today. I couldn't believe it, so I asked the kids if they wanted to go for a hike and they said "sure" enthusiastically. Ok, so they didn't say it enthusiastically. But they did say sure. Then we decided to see if the cousins wanted to come along and we ended up having Jon, Caitlin, Kendall, Thomas and McKay and myself on our little adventure. I took them to Arch overlook which is the trailhead you hit right after you go through the Zion Tunnel headed north. We parked at the turnout, got some pictures of some bighorn sheep or mountain goats (not sure which). Then headed out on our hike. The pictures are of the sheep/goats then of the kids at various places along the trail. Then we came across this fun rock and decided to take some "fun" pictures, hence you see muscle shots. Then on the way back home we stopped to see the elk and buffalo at the petting farm. We ate at Wendys and called it a day. A great time with great company!!


Mom and Dad said...

What a fun day. Lucky kids, lucky niece and nephews! The pictures didn't show up on this computer.

silleeg said...

Fun for you guys. There are beautiful places to hike there! You are a good Aunt/Mom, Tracy.