Monday, March 27, 2006


I have to take a minute to thank all of you for coming and sharing this wonderful weekend with us. Rebecca and Derrick, Shelley and Stephen, thanks for making the trip. I know it wasn't easy and sure appreciate the sacrifice and effort you made to be here. Jan and Carleton, I am so thankful our prayers have been answered and you continue to recover. You both looked well, I I hope you both feel as good as you appeared. Steph and Jason and Leslee and David, thanks for making the trip and sharing the occasion with us. It was so great to see everyone and to be able to visit even if just for a short time. We thought everything went perfectly and couldn't have wanted anymore more or different. Much much love and gratitude.


silleeg said...

What a great weekend! I loved visiting with everyone and watching the kids play. Thanks to Taryn, Mckay and Kendell for playing with Mialee. It was great to see her with the cousins having fun instead of panicing like she did at the family reunion.

Thanks to Stef and Jason for watching our kids while we were at the temple. Nathan fell in love with Stef and all Mialee has been talking about is Paisy, Stefanie and the guy (sorry jason, she doesn't have your name down yet :)).

Saturday night I was able to be in Grandma and Granmpa's room while Caitlin and Jonny were there visiting. It was fun to watch them 'hang out' with their grandparents and listen to the types of things they talked about with them. Made me remember all the times at Grandma Anderson's house.

Glad everyone got home safely.

silleeg said...

Tracy, your home is so beautiful. Your backyard looks great. The luncheon was very yummy. Glad you had such a great turnout. Your ward seems very friendly and supportive of each other. The sister that taught RS did a great job. I haven't been in RS for almost 2 years. I really enjoyed her lesson.

Mom and Dad said...

Dad and I had a wonderful time being with so many of our children and grandchildren. It was fun to hang out with Caitlin and Jonny. I asked Jonny if he was going to run for student body president and keep it in the family. His reply was, no, school spirit's not my thing.
We were so impressed with Lauryn's, Lewis' and James' talks at Sacrament meeting. James sounded more like a returning missionary than a departing one. We also enjoyed the luncheon and the interaction with your friends. It was a perfect weekend!