Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Nathan's friend....

the occupational therapist came today and said he is doing very well. He now holds his head level with his body when being pulled to a sitting position, though he bobbs around a little when held up right. He likes to roll from his back to his left side but has no interest in his right side. Therapists like to see things be even, so if something is happening on one side it should be happening on the other. So, that's the homework for little Nathan; to start rolling to his right side.

Nathan is now a proud eater of Good Start formula. Boy has he been a happy kid since that started. No more crying fits; the whole Smith house is a lot happier, though Mama Smith is going through the not so fun engorgement of weening. Yikes!

Nathan is all set for hearing aids. He met with the ENT this week and got clearance. We are hoping to be picking them up within the next two weeks. We will keep you posted.

Thanks for the pictures of Paisley!

Love to all....


Stefley said...

What do you do about engorgement when you are weening, how do you fix it? You can email me on this subject if you would like instead of posting it on the blog! :)

silleeg said...

Yahoo Shelley!