Friday, March 17, 2006


We received approval from CCS today to have Nathan's genetic testing done. So, he and Derrick are at the hospital right now getting his blood drawn. They draw blood on babies just like on adults; in the arm. How do you find a vein in a baby arm? My goodness, poor him.

Hearing loss in infants in 99% of the time caused by a certain gene whose name I cannot remember at the moment. The other 1% of the time there are more extensive reasons for the loss. The test Nathan is having is testing to see if he is positive for that gene. If he is, that is the end of that and we know why he has his loss. If the test is negative, then more testing will be done to see if there is some other genetic reason for his hearing loss.

The hearing aids have been ordered. Hopefully we will be getting a call next week to pick them up.

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