Monday, March 06, 2006

How was the baptism?

Glad mom and dad were able to go to colorado. Hope everyone had a fun, safe time.


Mom and Dad said...

The baptism was very nice. Vallen and one other little girl from their ward were baptized. I gave the Holy Ghost talk and Martissa sang a solo. Martissa has been very sick. When we got there the Spencer's had been there for a week catching up on laundry, ironing and dishes. Martissa is now taking medicine for nausea and is doing better, so hopefully, now that she is caught up with things she will be able to maintain. Grace is so cute! Heavenly Father blessed us with a very smooth flight both ways. Our next adventure will be to St. George to take Kendell to lunch on the 18th. and then to the temple with James on the 25th. It is fun to have so many great things happening in our family.

silleeg said...

I am so glad Martissa had people there helping. I didn't realize she was so sick. I am glad her medication is working. Mom, when I first read what you wrote I just saw the part that said...'I gave the Holy Ghost' and at first I thought you were making a funny that you gave Vallen the Holy Ghost. Ha!!! You are cute to keep taking Kendell to lunch for your birthdays. Glad you get to do that! You are having a busy/fun month. Good for you.