Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Results

Well tonight we had hot dogs topped with the homemade sauerkraut. It smelled awful, which was disappointing. It tasted mild. I put the normal toppings on my hot dog in addition to the sauerkraut and I could taste it at times. I'd say it was ok, but I probably won't be making it again any time soon. In fact I have a rather large jar full of it, so I'm not sure what will become of that jar. Since we still love cabbage we are still going to try the sweet and sour cabbage wedges and we'll be sure to report on that later.

(On a side note yesterday Paisley had corn on the cob for the first time and she loved it. I wasn't sure if she would know what to do with it, but as Jason and I were assembling our food she started right in on her corn. It was very cute. She even finished Jason's piece for him.)


Mom and Dad said...

So sorry the sauerkraut wasn't what you hoped for. The pictures sure are cute! I really admire you for being so adventurous and bold as to even attempt something as obsure to most of us as sauerkraut. Maybe it gets better with time. Keep it and try it again in a week. Keep it until we get there to try it! Paisley looks so cute eating her corn on the cob. Thanks for the post!

silleeg said...

You guys are cute! Good job trying new things. Paisley is so pretty. My kids love corn on the cob too. I wasn't sure they would know what to do with it, but both of them ate it like pros. Very cute!

Tracy said...

Paisley sure is looking more grown up in each picture. Corn on the cob now that brings back memories. LOL. Your dinner looked yummy all except the sauerkraut but then I already told you how wonderful I think it is. Your mom might be right about it tasting better with age.