Saturday, February 16, 2008

Baseball and Flu season

I know that Mrs. Layne Whelchel isn't much of a baseball fan, but in true brotherly concern, I want to remind her that Tuesday is the first day mandatory day of spring training for all the players. Many have joined their clubs already. Spring training games in the Cactus and Grapefruit leagues begin the week of the 25th. That's what they call the Florida and Arizona training camps. The first day of the official season is March 25th, with the Red Sox and the A's playing two games in Tokyo. Everybody else gets started on March 31st, then happiness will abound and the planets will align and all will be well.

I also got the flu Thursday night. Ugh. I'm being supported now by overdoses of painkillers and cold medicine. I always tell people I don't get sick, but I remember doing this last November when I was in Portland (yes, Mom, I'm still taking Vit C =2000mg/day each day as ordered). I tried to go to the clinic today but there were 30 people in front of me, so I decided to suffer in silence, and in bed. If I'm still feeling dull tomorrow, I'm going to skip church and go first thing when they open. Usually, the only hope I have is 1000mg Augmentin twice a day for 7-10 days with a refill. With any luck, I'll get worse and have to stay in Utah all week.

I'm going to visit a house in the north end of Apple Valley on the way back to CA on Monday. It will be 15 minutes from the plant - an improvement over the 900-1000 miles per week I currently drive now. :)


silleeg said...

Lewis, you are so funny. I didn't understand anything in your first paragraph, but I am relieved to know the planet will be aligning soon. So sorry you are sick. Augmenten is great, I must agree there. Does that mean you are heading for a sinus infection? Those are lovely. Good job taking Vit C. I follow Dr. Mom's recommendation there as well.

Mom and Dad said...

Dear Lewis,

Just reading your post this Sunday afternoon and hope that by now you have been to the dr. and are on the kinds of drugs that will work for you. I'm happy for you that baseball season is returning! Let us know how you are. :)

Lewis said...

I went to the clinic first thing Sunday morning, but I still didn't get out of there for two hours. I got Augmentin and a cough medicine with codeine. I took all that and got a blessing in the afternoon. I'm feeling somewhat better, as I sit at my desk at 830a PST. I'm leaving for CA in the next few minutes, figuring that the best I'm going to feel today is probably right now, and I'll have extra time for sleeping this afternoon and evening. I committed to quite a bit of work being done this weekend of which I've done nothing.

I'm doing a drive-by of a house of potential interest a few blocks north of the 18 down beyond the medical center. The tenants are being evicted and were just served. I don't know how long that process is. We don't want a house till May 1st at the soonest, so if they can be speedy, perhaps there is a deal to be done.

Jen W said...

I appreciate the "brotherly concern" for my lack of baseball knowledge. I had no idea that they make them go all the way to Tokyo to play baseball. That seems a bit ridiculous to me, but who am I to complain. I do know where they have the spring training in AZ. I have driven by many times. They always have big signs up and stuff this time of the year.

By the way, I hope you are feeling better.