Friday, February 01, 2008

California here we come.....again

I don't know who Lewis has talked to other than your parents. We decided awhile back that the commute thing wasn't working out for us. We then began a short lived effort to try to find Lewis a new job that would allow us to live together again. Through a series of events, we have decided that what is best for all of us is for Lewis to keep his present job. That created a challenge of uniting us again in California. Again, the Lord provided and Lewis was offered the opportunity to move his office to Victorville. We will be finding a place in Apple Valley and Lewis for the first time in 5-6 years will NOT have to commute to his job. We should be living less than 10 miles from his office. What a great blessing to be able to have our husband/Dad back in our home and to be united as a family again. We are shooting to be in California on June 1st. James will arrive home just in time to help us move back. LOL.

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