Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Food Adventure

Today I decided I was in the mood for an adventure so I decided to make sauerkraut. The recipe was in my Everyday Food magazine. I received this stock pot and two bigger for Christmas and I haven't used them yet, so I thought I'd have two firsts today. I made my first batch of sauerkraut in the stock pot. I've never tried sauerkraut but it seems like something I would like so we shall see. It is currently in a jar in my refrigerator. Tomorrow we are going to have hot dogs for dinner (I've had all the bratwurst I care to have while in Germany) and we'll top them with the sauerkraut. We'll let you know how it all turns out.


Tracy said...

Saurkraut is a new years must in pennsylvania dutch land. If you eat it on new years day its supposed to bring you goodluck and health. I am anxious to know how yours turns out and if you like it. I had to eat it every new year for years and never did acquire a taste for it. Congratulations for trying something new!

Mom and Dad said...

Good for you, Stef! I, too, would like to know how it turns out and if it is too complicated to make. I love sauerkraut and I think it would be fun to be able to make it. Keep on cookin!!