Monday, February 04, 2008

Our Morning Winter Wonderland!!!!

It is so icy outside that I decided I would rather take my chances getting them to school than to trust the bus to get them there. The roads in Bloomington were very icy and slushy but once you hit the freeway, it was clear and dry. Going into St George proper we learned that they didn't get as much snow or ice. What is with that? I mean they are only a mile or two away. We are supposed to get another storm later today. Woo hoooooo!!!!!


Mom and Dad said...

The pictures are beautiful! It sounds like the children didn't get the hoped-for snow day. I must admit that even though it is beautiful, I am glad it is there and not here. Take care on those icy roads.

silleeg said...

How fun, but only for about an hour. Be safe!