Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Chain Saw Experience...

Yesterday we had help from a few people in our ward and chopped down our tree. At first I said to my dad,"I'm not gunna touch that chain saw." And then I'm using it the entire time: in the tree standing up, on the ground, everywhere! I eventually got a small, tiny cut on the chain saw. Three fourths inch long and about 1 half a centimeter deep. We are goin' Desert style!


Mom and Dad said...

We were there and can testify that Brad is terrific with a chain saw!!

Jen W said...

Wow that is COOL! It must have been a lot of work. Did you get it all done or are there several more Saturdays of chopping and sawing?

Tracy said...

Looks like you won't have to buy any wood for the fireplace for a LONG time. Way to go Brad!! Nice job helping out the family and great example to the cousins of working with power tools and NOT fooling around

silleeg said...

Hey, Jen our newest poster!

Brad, you look great with a chainsaw. :) What a great project.

taryn_swims_ said...

It was pretty fun. Anyway, we are giving the fire wood to someone in our ward!