Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Vallen

We hope you have a special birthday today! Post pictures of the fun day!!!


Mom and Dad said...

Thanks for reminding us, Stef. This is her 10th, so it is an extra special one.

Tracy said...

Indeed she has hit DOUBLE DIDGITS!! It was always a big deal when you turned a "whole hand" and when you turned into double didgits. Woo hooo.

Jen W said...

Hey Vallen,

Happy Birthday! So I hear you are now using all fingers on both hands to display how old you are? Double digits has also been thrown out. I am wondering since it is now double digits, if that means you get double the scoops of ice cream, and double the amount of play time, and things like that.

Jen W said...

That was actually me, Layne who posted that last comment. My login isn't working. Did you guys decide one poster on the east coast was enough and you gave the spot to Jennifer?? Hmmmm.....

Jen W said...

I didn't remember making those posts. Happy birthday!!

taryn_swims_ said...

Happy B-day Vallen. We have been really busy with home work so I couldn't go on. Ya, my teacher is too strict!