Sunday, February 24, 2008

Daniels progress

Today was a payday for Lewis and I. Today Daniel received his Patriarchal blessing. Sometimes we never thought we would see this day. The Patriarch was wonderful and told us all kinds of things that Lewis and I found informative and educating. The biggest thing he stressed was making copies of your blessing. He said that Daniel should give one to us and then make another and keep it with his important stuff as well as one in his scriptures. It takes about a month for them to replace yours now if its lost. I requested a copy of mine two weeks ago and know that I have another two weeks before I will see it as a result of our meeting today. We thank all of you for your continued prayers in Daniels behalf and want to express our gratitude for him and all of you. We are truly blessed. Daniel should be meeting with the Stake President for his melchizedek priesthood interview in the next week or two. We will let you know when his ordination is scheduled. Oh yes, speaking of copies, Carleton and Jan, if you have one of Lewis's blessing, he has lost his too.


silleeg said...

Tracy, that is so great! We are very happy for Daniel! I remember the day I got my blessing; a very special time. It was good to talk with him at the wedding!

Mom and Dad said...

I'm sorry, Tracy, we were never given a copy of Lewis' blessing. We are very happy for Daniel and for you and Lewis. You have been extremely loving, nurturing and patient parents.