Tuesday, January 29, 2008


...I have had nearly a non-stop headache since Friday night. It was so bad on Saturday I went back to bed late in the morning and stayed there all day. It lightened up on Sunday morning, but was back with me on Sunday night and all day Monday. It was very bad on the ride to CA on Monday night. I took a cocktail of ibuprofen, tylenol and alleve all at the same time on a couple occasions without the slightest relief. I got to work this morning and couldn't deal with it, so I called Pevsner and went to see him. Fortunately they were able to get me right in. He ruled out stroke and migraines and isn't sure what to say. He put me on Fioricet, a barbituate/tylenol/caffiene cocktail designed for muscle tension headaches. I'm at Mark's sitting by my bed. I believe the one I took already is working. My head feels much better and I have that bug-eyed tingling feeling I get off my psych meds. His goal was to stop the cycle of pain. If I'm not cured by tomorrow, he's sending me for an MRI. I can take another pill in one hour, then every six after that. I told my boss I didn't know if I'd be in tomorrow or not. If I have to do the MRI, I'm going to have it done in St.G. I don't want to get stuck or laid up in CA.

It snowed for awhile yesterday in St. G. Everybody was excited about it except me. It didn't snow enough to close the freeway. :) Some of the enthusiasm died when we learned it was just 6* in Cedar City. Thank you, but no! :)


silleeg said...

Lewis, so sorry to hear about your headache! I tell ya, they are the worst and make all the daily things extremely difficult. I am glad your doctor got you in quickly and will follow up with you tomorrow. We had a week straight of rain and 50* weather, but no snow for us. Sunshine so far this week so we can finally go outside! Yahoo!

Mom and Dad said...

Lewis, I am so sorry about your headache. What is the update? Do you need an MRI? Please keep us posted. We love you and look forward to seeing you on the 9th of Feb.

alwayshot said...

Hi Lewis, I am sorry you are going through all of this. I am not sure when this was posted so I don't know if you have had the MRI or not but I hope you are feeling better soon.

Stefley said...

I have some friends that have bad headaches, I personally have never suffered from one so I'm very sorry! We are supposed to be having "blizzard type weather" today. So far no blizzard but there is lots of snow!