Tuesday, January 15, 2008



The wedding is set for 10:00 am on February 9th in the San Diego Temple. I am excited to see all of you there and to be sealed to an amazing woman, whom I love with all my heart. Thank you all for your support and encouragement.


silleeg said...

Congratulations you two! I am very excited for you and to see you!

Mom and Dad said...

YEA!! We are working on the plans for our end of things. We are so excited for all of us, but especially you two.

taryn_swims_ said...

Yea, I am so happy for you. Plus I'll have a new Aunt!!

Marti K said...

Yahoo!!! I'm so excited for your wedding on sooooo many levels. I'm coming to San Diego with ONE, yes ONE child. You won't recognize me. I'm going to the zoo with one child. I'm going out to eat with one child. And hopefully, I'm going to the wedding with no child. Hey Taryn and Brad, what are you doing during the wedding? Is a Caitlin or a Kendall coming?

I love you all. I wish we had a wedding every month.


Tracy said...

We do not know who is coming yet. All of our cars are in need of repair, some more than others. Lauren and Daniel are working. The plan is to bring Caitlin and Jon and myself and pick up Lewis on the way. We shall see.

Lewis said...

Martissa, you're not supposed to say "Yahoo!" on a Gmail site! :)

I'm very excited about the wedding, too. I love elopements...they're so exciting. Daniel will be coming with me, and perhaps the current love of his life, as children watchers. He wants to do the watching at the temple, so pray for excellent wedding weather. I expect it won't snow like it did on my wedding day!

alwayshot said...

Thank you all for your comments, Jen and I are very excited, especially now that everything is done. Now we just have to move my stuff in and her roommate out which will be happening this weekend. Jan is going to live with another family for the last week so we can move my stuff in so it is all set up before the wedding so when we get back from the honeymon we won't have as much to worry about.