Friday, January 04, 2008

Our Trip to Missouri

Last Saturday we all took a day trip to Independence Missouri. One of my college roommates was in Missouri visiting her sister for Christmas and we decided to meet up to spend the day together. Independence happened to be a middle point for us. We spent the day going to historical sights and church history sights. We had a blast!

These first two pictures were taken at the Independence visitors center. Paisley had a fun time in their play area. She played house in the log cabin, rode the covered wagon and played checkers.
This was at liberty jail in Liberty Missouri. It was an incredible presentation. We also visited the Harry Truman Presidential Library, but we didn't take any pictures. That was very interesting also. He sure had a lot to deal with during his presidency!
This is me and Laura! It was fun to see her again. She is from Boston. We were roommates at Ricks and transfered down to BYU at the same time. We have been good friends ever since then. It is funny that she just moved to California as we moved out of California. I miss her lots, but it has been fun to see her. Lately every time we have seen her it has been on vacation. Our little outing was FREEZING cold but we had a good time!


taryn_swims_ said...

That sounded like a really fun trip!!

Mom and Dad said...

Thanks for the post. We enjoyed living the trip through your commentary and pictures. It is so cool that you live close enough to places that are important in our church's history that you can actually go there.

silleeg said...

Stef, that looks like such a great adventure! So happy you got to see Laura and spend some time with her!