Sunday, January 13, 2008

Stake Conference

Dear Family,

Today we had a wonderful satellite stake conference. President Hinckley was one of the speakers. Because we are all so happy and excited for Layne and Jen, I decided to post a few of President Hinckley's comments regarding marriage. He said that first of all we need to put the past behind us in the spirit of repentance. We should sublimate our self interest to the welfare of our spouse. He then gave 4 cornerstones on which to nurture our homes.
1. Mutual respect: We are each different and individual. Respect those differences. Let them be the "spice" in our relationship. Look for virtues, not faults.

2. Soft answer: Quiet talk is the language of love, of peace, of God. Speak kindly and softly to one another.

3. Financial honesty: pay an honest tithing. Don't make "big" purchases without discussing it with your spouse. (we won't tell him that dad bought our first house without my seeing it or even knowing what he was doing.)

4. Family Prayer: The family that prays together does stay together. Husband and Wives should have couple prayer.

Another speaker mentioned that daily words of appreciation, praise, and acceptance go a long way in creating love and happiness between spouses. Let's each try to use at least one word each day to our spouse that indicates we appreciate, or admire, or accept him/her.

Anyway, we really enjoyed the conference. We hope that each of you had a nice Sunday. We love each of you and treasure you more than words can say. Mom :)


alwayshot said...

That is great Mom, thank you. I am very excited for Layne and Jen also. In fact i can't hardly wait :)

Tracy said...

That sounds very much like our satellite stake conference. Those same points are in my blogged journal. Not verbatim but in my words. We must all need to hear it if he feels it important enough to share with more than one group of saints!!

Mom and Dad said...

I have heard since that he has given that talk at several satellite conference. It is counsel that we all need - probably more than once as we travel our life's path.

/\/\r.Joke said...


Lewis said...

I have an excellent testimony of the soft word. I was in a Nutro meeting a few weeks ago and things were getting a little tense, so I started talking very softly, just above a whisper, and allowing several moments of silence between my comments and I spoke v e r y s l o w l y. Everybody started speaking just as softly and it was amazing how quickly the anxiety disappeared and we were able to get back on task.