Friday, January 04, 2008

Back in School

I don't want to go back in school! We go back Jnuary 7,2008. I wish it was 2009! Anyway, it is raining here I hope it rains so much that we wave to wait until it drys up!! (Even though I don't like rain). Well wish me luck, even though most likely it sould be bad luck.


taryn_swims_ said...

Sorry about those two mistakes.

Mom and Dad said...

Hey Taryn, you will be happy to get back to school once you get there. You are very smart and it is important for you to take all the opportunities you can to learn all you can. You will be glad you did. Make up your mind to be happy and you will be. I love you, Grandma

silleeg said...

Hope tomorrow goes well for you! have a happy time!