Sunday, September 13, 2009

Trips and toys

Hi Family!

As many of you know my husband and I have had the travel bug since we got married. Now that we have someone to travel with we take every opportunity. We have gone on so many trips I have a hard time keeping track of them. But it is sure a lot of fun!

Our most recent trip was to Tygart Lake State Park in West Virginia. It is about 4 hours away in an area that we have visited 3 or 4 times now. It is Beautiful!!! We wanted to go camping for the Labor Day long weekend but since it was last minute all of the campsites were already taken. So instead we stayed in the Lodge. We had a patio that overlooked the lake and it was just fantastic. We didn't go out on the lake but we hiked and drove around. It was so much fun.
Oh also we bought a new car. The Corvette and Civic are just not made for camping. So in preparation for the "camping trip" we bought an SUV. We traded in the Civic and bought a . . . I should let my husband tell you about our new toy.

Don't worry having a bigger vehicle to haul camping equipment was not the only (or most important reason) for buying an SUV.




taryn_swims_ said...

That sounds exciting! Have fun with the SUV!! :)

Tracy said...

Do tell what the "other" and most important reason was then? ;)

Stefley said...

lol tracy, I think we all have that question in our head!