Sunday, September 13, 2009

Political Stuff


Sorry I have not blogged in forever. But I got an email from my little brother that I feel inclined to send out to the world.

Nathaniel works for GE in the Jet Engine Design section. Here is what he wrote:

I'm emailing because I'd like you to check out a website and contact your congressman if you want. It directly impacts my job and our freedom and pretty much the fate of the entire world ... just kidding.
Obama wants to end funding the competitive engine for the joint strike fighter. This happens to be the engine I've been helping to design with GE for the past two and a half years. If you want, you can go to and from there send a message to your congressman telling them not to take it out of the budget.
Even if it didn't mean possibly losing my job, I wouldn't want this program cancelled for two main reasons: 1) it would put GE out of the large military jet business, giving Pratt and Whitney a monopoly on all large military jets from here on out. 2) Because by 2025 the JSF will be the only fighter jet for the US and at least 13 of our allies, if the GE engine was cancelled, and a problem were to be found with the only available engine, then all the US' and our allies' fighter jets would be grounded and we would be sitting ducks for our enemies.
There's my plug, more details are available on the website. Do what you wanna do, and if you feel so inclined, spread the word like grape jelly on bread ... mmm yummy ...

So that is the story. Please at least look at it and decide what you think is best and let your congressman know.



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