Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Anniversary Cruisin'

Jason and I are taking a cruise in November for our anniversary (which is in December but things are cheaper in November) and we just wanted to invite anyone interested to come along. We don't want to leave anyone out, so all are invited. If interested contact us for details!


Tracy said...

I would love to go but we have next years family reunion to attend and then the following year we hope to be sending Daniel on his mission and picking James up from his. Have a great time and know that we are thinking of you. Who is watching dear sweet Paisly for you while you go? Its an anniversary trip.....go ALONE. ENJOY!

silleeg said...

Derrick and I will watch Paisley! How fun, 2 little one year olds hanging around. :):) So, if you dare leave her, let us watch her!

silleeg said...

Derrick and I will watch Paisley! How fun, 2 little one year olds hanging around. :):) So, if you dare leave her, let us watch her!

Mom and Dad said...

Hey, this sounds fun!! We want to come, too! Please give us the details :o)