Thursday, August 24, 2006

Smith Kids...

Nathan finally crawled long enough that we were able to get a video of it! It is so darling. Each day he crawls more and more, so I am sure soon the army crawl will soon be gone.

Last night he pulled himself up to a standing position. This little boy thinks he needs to grow up. :( Now we need to teach him how to get back down so we dont play the up and stuck game at night in the crib. We played that with Mialee for about 2 weeks. It was such a bummer after she had been sleeping through the night for so many months. Oh well, it ended, and she went back to sleeping through the night.

Now that his upper teeth are in about half way, he grinds his teeth. It is the cutest little noise! Grind, grind, grind...... He has his own blue tooth brush and gets his teeth brushed every night. So far he thinks it is great fun! From experience with Mialee, I doubt his good feelings about brushing will continue, but for now it is enjoyable and has helped Mialee feel happier about the whole process. I always tell her to be an example for him, but with teeth brushing it is the other way around. :)

Mialee continues to sing happy birthday to Grandpa everyday. Even when speaking to her grandpa back East, she wished him happy birthday. :)

Yesterday the kids and I spent the day in Lompoc. We went to the park and fed ducks. Mialee went down a very big slide and Nathan enjoyed swinging for the first time. Mialee and I faithfully watch a weekly signing show on PBS, so we were able to sign all the animals we saw at the park! It is amazing how much she remembers. I have notes of each show and review a little everyday. She just watches while she is playing and dancing around and gets more than I do.

That is all folks.


Stefley said...

That is so cute!! I can't wait for you to come visit and Paisley and Nathan can chanse each other!! It will be so fun and a very cute video blog opportunity!

Tracy said...

I wondered how you were learning to be so good at signing. That is so cool that Mialee and you are both learning and Nathan too. Woo hoooo. We want to learn to, tell us what channel and time and we will see if we can learn some stuff too.