Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pretty in Pink

There have been lots of sales for summer clothes in the baby department so we got a few things for Paisley since most of her clothes are either pants or long sleeves. This is one of the cute new outfits she got!! She looks so cute in it too! The shirt is a onesie and it 12 months so it is kinda big, but it is so cute I wanted her to wear it today!


Jason said...

Well isn't that the cutest baby I have ever seen; I am so glad that I get to come home to that cute face everyday

Mom and Dad said...

I'll add another unbiased opinion - she is very cute, or as we say in Korea, Qutay.

silleeg said...

OHHO, paisley babecakes. Nathan wants to play with you. well, actually, it is Mialee that asks about playing with you almost everyday.