Thursday, July 20, 2006

Most recent email from James

Hey! How come no one emailed me?! :-( Oh well, that is ok. So questions. Alright dad these are answers to your questions. I will be getting to know characters. After I memorize 13 scriptures in chinese, and pass of lessons, and other things. So I will come home knowing a great deal hopefully. My MTC training allows me to understand. I do know understand alot, because the language is so vast. But, the Gift of Interpetation has helped so much. It gets better each day. There are colorful birds down on the east coast, other than that, I see lots of chickens. lol. My companion at the MTC, Elder Teare accompanied me. I sung for 700 people. The copy you saw we did over because Elder Teare stopped playing at one time during the actual perfromance, lol. I have used the mike before, I held it for the redo, lol. They love baseball here! My companion loves it. He is a Diamond Backs fan. You two would get along well. Mom's Questions Yes I can speak chinese for you when I call. Or are you sending a tape recorder? I can do that than and sing too. My house is an apartment. It is an 10 story buildling. My apartment is two stories big. We have stuff like couch/desks on the 1st. Bed stuff on the 2nd. It is just me and my companion. It is big and nice. We can cook, but it is hard to find stuff to cook. I am looking for stuff today. I love the chinese breakfast shops. I am going to cook those back home for sure. Sundays. We have food at home that we eat. I have yet to eat at a members house. A typical day. Is exercise till 7. Dress, eat, shower till 8. Book of Mormon and Gospel study till 9. Companionship till 10. Chinese till 1030. Bike contacting till 12. Lunch till 1. Bike contacting, contacting on foot, tracting, ke's to teach, meetings till 5. Dinner till 6. Contacting, ke's, meetings, tracting till 9. Travel home, get bingsha, and inside before 930. Phonecalls till 10. Prayers and bed before 1030. Yep. lol. It is really humid and hot. The typhoon stunk. Lots of rain, zero terror and danger, lol. The church is just like at home, except in Chinese. My chapel is on the second floor. People look at us because we are tall. The girls go crazy. Staring and trying to flirt. We have had two take pictures of us. Little kids stare at us with awe. People go crazy when we speak chinese or Taiwanese, lol. I love it. my time is short, but I love you all. I actually baptized two people this past saturday. A little boy also go baptized. It was awesome. I have seen so many miracles of the Spirit. Last night, we were talking to this one man. He would not listen to my companion. I felt impressed to ask him for two minutes. He did, he was quiet the whole time. I bore testimony of the Book of Mormon and the Church. I gave the First Vision. I invited him to chruch. He accepted! I immediatly burst into tears. Reaffirming my testimony. I got his info and I am going to call him tonight to set up. That man was one of the people I was meant to find. I hope I can continue to teach him. I had zone conference yesterday. It was so powerful and awesome. Twice I felt the Spirit so strong I literally felt like I would pass out. We had pizza hut to for lunch that was delicious. I also go my officialy name tag. And I am now legal to be in Taiwan, lol. We have this beautiful family we are teaching. Oh they are so wonderful. A three member family. The dad is so awesome and the mom accepted it too! We meet them tmw night again. Well, I hope you email me for next week. You dont have to write lots of letters if you dont want to. Emails rock. Besides other missionaries give me dirty looks from the letters. I hate that they get jealous. I dont rub it in, but you know. But the letters have been nice thank you. Well, I hope you are all well. I dont know, lol. No email! Well be safe, I love you all! Keep the faith! Love always your son Elder Whelchel

1 comment:

silleeg said...

Tracy, I love his letters! He is doing so well! Thank you for sharing these with us.