Saturday, July 08, 2006

A new word

Nathan has added 'Mama' to his list of spoken words. He nows says Dada, baba, and Mama... along with other babblings. It is so darling!


Tracy said...

HOW COOL IS THAT?!! CONGRATULATIONS! I remember when my kids, each of them learned to call me Mama. What a choice blessing that is. Relish it. They soon start to say the "n" word (as in no) and then start learning other things like "I hate you" all of which they really don't mean. But they don't make us feel the way the word Mama does. Soak it all up Rebecca they grow up so quickly. I loved the pics too!

Mom and Dad said...

That is very sweet. Start teaching him to say grandma, ok?
How are things going with Nathan and Mialee?