Friday, July 07, 2006

Lion King Tickets

Hey everyone,

Are we really having that exciting of a summer that we can't find time to make a post on the family blog? Sheesh. Talking about SLOW.

Anyway, we have some exciting news. A few years back when Lion King was here, my old boss gave me two tickets as a birthday present. Lewis and I went and vowed if we ever had the opportunity we would take the kids. Well to our good fortune, Lion King is returning to the Pantages starting Nov 16th into the early part of January. We got tickets!!! I loved this show and thought that the scenery and costumes were incredible. I can't wait to go again and share the experience with the kids.

Oh one more thing, we have ordered a cd from BYU bookstore's website called "I believe in Christ" by Chinese Hearts. Half the songs are in Mandarin the other in Cantonese. We are going to try to learn one of the hymns to sing to James friends when we pick him up. Anyone who is going with us want to join us in this little endeavor?

1 comment:

silleeg said...

How fun for you guys to see the Lion King. Hope the kids enjoy that. You are brave to learn another language. I hope that quest goes well. For now I will stick to signing and leave the tougher language up to you. :)