Thursday, August 18, 2011

Off to Kindergarten

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to sneak in a tour of Paisley's new school. We saw her classroom and met her teacher, Mrs. Pacey. Paisley instantly loved her, and she loved Paisley. She looked all around the room and loved it. We saw all over the school including, the gym, art class, music class, the library, and computer lab. We were very impressed with all the great programs the school offers. This made paisley super excited to start today!

Here we are heading out the door to school. For the first 2 weeks they have half day Kindergarten so the class is split into AM and PM. Paisley is in PM kindergarten. Starting September 1st we will go full day.
Paisley in front of her classroom. Jarom couldn't stand to not be by his best friend in the picture!!
Paisley and Mrs. Pacey. She instantly went to hug her and was so excited to see her again. She knew right where to put her backpack and then sat down at a table to do play dough.
Paisley got to play with play dough while they waited for everyone else to arrive. She sat next to a girl named Ashley. Maybe they will be best friends!

Paisley was having so much fun she barely had time to say goodbye to us. Jarom on the other hand started screaming and did not want to leave Paisley at school. Jarom's crying then made me and nana start to cry. I can't believe 5 1/2 years have gone by and it's time to go to school. She is such a big girl!

1 comment:

taryn_swims_ said...

ha! Some elementary school! Makes our elementary school look like a dump! haha!