Sunday, August 07, 2011

House Update

I don't do house updates, because nothing really new is going on, but since Marti just asked here it is (although she won't be reading this for a month!) :)

When we got home from the family reunion the next day I went shopping for a new realtor. I didn't know if it would make a difference in our small town, because everyone who has wanted to see our house has and almost every realtor has been in it several times. Well I was on a mission to get an aggressive agent who was going to work for the commission and I found her! Her name is Carmella Leach and so far I love her!! Within this first week of having her as an agent we have rearranged all the furniture in the house, she has brought in a lot of her own things to cuten the place up (we were 4 days from closing, I am COMPLETELY packed) and we have painted our office. There is painted Venetian plaster in there but I guess you are supposed to put a glaze on top of it, so we did. Carmella specializes in Venetian plaster so she knew just what to do. A jar and a half of glaze, 2 days and some very sore arms later we were ready for our open house that was today.

I have received a very good report from her on the open house. Of all the people that came, 4 couples are sincerely interested. 2 have to sell before they can buy, and 2 are able to buy when they are ready. We are obviously cheering for the later 2! We hope to have happy house news soon! It has been hard trying to get back into the swing of things here, when I was checked out of this house and this town. Yesterday we registered Paisley in school, which was excited and sad at the same time. As great as the school is here, I hope she only attends for a short time because we are ready to live in Missouri!!


Marti K said...

Here I am reading it in a WEEK, NOT A MONTH!!!

alwayshot said...

What an over achiever you are Martissa. Stef, good luck on the latest potential buyers.