Saturday, June 18, 2011

AZ fires - part 2

My parents are staying at my Cousin's house about 30 minutes away. They kept some of the tortoises, the dog, the cat, the parrot, family pictures, and that is about it.

The fire retardant slurry was dropped at such a height that when it landed it shattered my Dad's lawn mower that it landed on and also a tree. It splattered on the house, but my Mom says she doesn't mind, because of it there is a house.

They haven't had rain in 7 months so it is super dry. Also, in March they got a really really cold freeze (record breaking) and it killed a lot of the trees in the area. So, with the dead trees (tinder), dry weather and high winds the fire is just going crazy. I have heard that it has been clocked at times as moving/spreading at 100 miles per hour. Obviously this isn't the case all of the time but that is fast!!!

The fire fighters are focusing on saving houses. My Dad says it looks like a black moonscape dotted with houses. They say it is unreal.

The Bishop is a Dr in the area. A few months ago he built a new office and it sounds like the fire is heading towards his new office. Can you imagine, your h ome and office burning? I just pray that this things stops soon.

Typically they don't get any rain in the area until July. I hope they can stop it before that!

1 comment:

Leslee said...

Wow! I hope everything turns out all right! Keep us posted.