Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So, last night we had our first Intramural Volleyball Match. We are called the Persuaders which has roots t Economics (advertising). We lost both matches, but learned some valuable insights into the depth of our team. During the first match, I injured my right knee. I was going for a dig and came down hard on my right knee just inside next to the patella. I stayed out about two rallies and then went back in. I have knee pads and figured I need to turn them inside. I can walk, but I am going to hold off on the running till Thursday. Thursday I will be playing Ultimate with a friend. I have a half-marathon in November and I am SUPEREXCITED! I have not had a race in a long time. So, the lesson we can draw from this is, if you are going to play volleyball, ask yourself, "Self, is this more important than running?" The answer is NO! RUNNING FOR LIFE!


P.S. Live it, love it, run it! -My Philosophy of the Day


taryn_swims_ said...

COOL!!! Good job. Brad is in volley ball... he had a game today....

first match: 25 to 19

second match: 25 to 6

Brad also won the two other games he had last week. He also has games on Thursday, and Friday.

Jame-es said...

Psh! Brad! You are in the wrong state, wrong team! WE NEED YOU! :-P We have a good team, but were unable to coordinate it well. We practiced for about an hour after our match. We decided the girls are much better at working together than the guys. :-D We will do better next game! Hoorah!

taryn_swims_ said...

He gave an AWSOME AWSOME AWSOME, STRAIGH, HARD.... (enough of the detail)... spike!!! too bad it didn't count, because he hit the net!

silleeg said...

yeah to volleyball lovers! i personally cannot stand it, but glad you guys do!