Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Growing Up

Jarom wasn't always the biggest baby in our home, but he sure is now!!

This picture was taken June 21.
This picture was taken August 21.

We love our cute, growing boy!!


Mom and Dad said...

What a cute picture. It really shows how fast Jarom is growing. I hope you will do that every 2 or three months.

Would you and Jason have time to make a video of the family reunion?

Mom and Dad said...

What a cute picture. It really shows how fast Jarom is growing. I hope you will do that every 2 or three months.

Would you and Jason have time to make a video of the family reunion?

silleeg said...

Ohho my honey, you are growing so fast and I am sure you have forgotten me by now!

Stefley said...

oh no Rebecca he talks about you all the time!