Friday, January 23, 2009

Fun in the snow!

Myself, and the Lambert's went up to Zion's Ridge?? (I think that is what it is called) with some friends of theirs and stayed in a cabin and played in the snow. It was way fun!! Here are some fun/artistic pictures I took. Enjoy!

The cabin...and LOTS of snow.
Me. Yeah, I think James has done a picture just like this...weird. We must be related or something
McKay in deep snow
Kendell being cute
Jolly being so cute. This is one of my artsy ones.
Jolie being cute again.
This is another artsy one, they look so tute!
Silly Garrett!


Tracy said...

Oh that looks like such fun!! How deep was the snow? In some places it looks "feet" deep or are they drifts? Thanks for the pictures and keep them coming.

taryn_swims_ said...

That looks really fun. It's not fair that you people that live in Utah get snow almost every winter. We get snow in Palmdale almost every 2 to 3 years!!

taryn_swims_ said...

Just about a month ago, we got about 10 inches of snow in Palmdale. That was after 3 years! My prediction is that we might get snow in 2 more years!

LaurenW said...

Well, we get snow for a day or two...but...that snow is up in the mountains. You guys get snow in the mountains. I remember! =P