Sunday, January 04, 2009

Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam!

As Paisley is now in her 4th of life we are excited for her new step into Primary. She is the youngest and newest member of primary in our ward. Today she had a lot of fun as you can tell with her great accessories from primary. Sharing time was a fun treasure hunt which captivated her attention. During singing time her and her cute sunbeam friends were being ballerinas and twirling all around. This morning on the way to church as we talked once again of her joining primary she said "I won't go, I hate it!" very forcefully. After such a fun day I think she will be really excited to return to primary each week.


Mom and Dad said...

She looks like a very happy Sunbeam. I'm glad things went so well for her.

Jen W said...

We had a TON of fun with our Sunbeams today in primary as well. Of course none of them were as cute as Paisley. Our Sunbeams got to lead "Do as I'm doing and stand on their chairs so that everyone could see them. 3 of the new Sunbeams have siblings in my class and it was fun to see how excited the older kids were to have the little kids joining Primary.

Mom and Dad said...

I really like the new 2009 background, Stef. Thanks for keeping the blog looking so good. And a very Happy New Year to all of us.

Mom and Dad said...

One more comment on the subject. Dad and I had three new Sunbeams today. In addition to Paisley there was Nathan and Jolie. I have heard that Jolie had a lot of fun. Rebecca, how was Nathan's first day of Primary?