Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Big Grage Sale

On July 12, 2008 my family and I are going to have a big garage sale. We are trying to earn money for the trip to Kansas. We are going to use the money for all the gas because the prices are so high. So we are planned to have a garage sale. We are going to separate the stuff into groups, like Brad's stuff will go some where and he will stand or sit be his stuff, and it will be with the same with the rest of us. We are planning and hoping that we are going to earn a lot of money and have a lot of people come and buy stuff! I can't wait until that day comes. It is going to last until 7:00 - 10:00 am. Do any of you guys do garage sales?


Tracy said...

I hope you make lots of money too. Although I can't imagine you having enough "stuff" around for you to make lots of money. But anything helps these days. Keep us posted on your progress.

Mom and Dad said...

I have some stuff for you, Taryn!

taryn_swims_ said...

ok Grandma & Grandpa. You should bring them over or I can come over and get them!