Dear Mom,
Everything is great here. Actually, the last typhoon we got just wind. Unless it is windy with stuff flying around, we are out preaching. It is fun. We have been doing really well with the work. Our baptismal pool went from seven to one. But we are working our butts off. We come home exhausted and wanting more than 8 hrs of sleep, but continue to push on. Elder peterson told me a story of how he knew an Elder that got off the plane in his home state and passed out. We literally are kept by the Strength of the Lord. I honestly believe, if the Lord did not bless us, this work would kill us. I love it though. It is hard, but somehow I hate saying it is hard. I love it. The hardships rock. I grow, push through, and the blessings afterward of peace, comfort, or finding someone is just wonderful.
Lets see. My journal is going to blow up. I keep writing in it, lol. I am hooked in it. I read in Wilford Woodruffs teachings that we will be judged by our journals. What we do here is sealed in Heaven, well, what we write here, will be written in Heaven. So I would exhort and ask the whole family to write in a journal. Even if it is two lines. Starting it is what is important. I tell you mom, I will look back upon my journals like I do my scriptures. I cant wait to show you them. You always stressed it and wow... I think I went over. I have so much stuff saved, pics, cards, stuff, I love it.
Anyways. This sunday we will be having our first investigator baptism! His name is Cai Xu Yang. He rocks! He is 15 and had to deal with some family stuff, but he rocks! He is getting baptized after 3 months of waiting. It will be wonderful to see him get baptized. He is a wonderful young man who I have come to love alot.
Have you head of Tim Tam Slams... Well, Tim tams are like twix... you bite two corners off and you drink milk through it. Tim Tam Slams! So much fun, and they are good! The milk here is pretty good. At least the milk we get. I cant remember the last time I had regular milk.
So can you believe it 3 months! Tomorrow is a month on island! Yet it seems like two years ago I left you and dad to board the plane. Crazy, huh? Oh! I had a wonderful, wonderful spiritual experience. Keep it between the family and the grandparents. So two days ago... I was reading in Ch. 10 of Preach my Gospel. Well, I was reading under the section on How to Adjust your Teachings for the Investigator. Well, one part said... Pray for the Gift of Discernment. I have never had any words really hit me hard on my mission till I read those 6 words. In my Patriarchal Blessing I am blessed with that gift. I immediatly was hit hard and I mean HARD! By the Spirit. I started to pray and ask Heavenly Father to better allow me to use this Gift. Help me to discern the Elect that are ready to hear the Gospel. As well as what they need, what I need to do, etc. The Spirit was sooo strong family! I loved it. I exhort all of you to get a Patriarchal Blessing and read it over and over. I cant believe I have not read mine alot before I left for my mission. I read it every day. I am able to see the blessings of it! I love it. So that is my Spiritual message for you all. The chinese continues to get better. Everyday the Lord continues to better it.
Well, I want to email dad, maybe he will get it at work! I love you alot. Be safe! Let me know about Jasmine. Tell her that I say hi and I am excited! I am totally excited, that is totally cool! AHHHHHHHHHHH! Lol. You still have sisters in the ward?! That is crazy, poor Jared and Shane. How is Shane? Are his papers in? Anything new with the ward, stake, family, Roxie, my book collection? Anything? I miss you all, but I focus and the Lord delievers. Love you mom! Byebye!
Always your son that Loves you!
Elder Whelchel