Monday, May 26, 2008

Blogging is ok

So, I told myself that I would never chat, blog, or hang on the computer like I did before my mission. Well, this blog would not count in that category, though it is hard to remember considering my stand. Life is just dandy, considering the "load" of time that I have. Thankfully, attending church, having the Haralson's over, and some ponder/study time helped wake me up to the sense of repentence. Repent in Chinese has two characters. The first character has two radicals or parts that make it the character it is. The second character has two radicals, but we will not talk about those this time. In romanization, it is Hui Gai . The first character, ( Hui ) has a 'heart' and 'everyday meaning' within its two radicals. The ( gai ) means to change. So, repentence in Chinese Mandarin means, Everday change heart. Which is exactly what it teaches from the scriptures, Mosiah 4:10; latter-day prophets, and the Savior. I made a more "structured" plan for myself, thus helping the days go alot easier.
I need to have my dental work done which will start with a visit to the dentist. We need an estimate of cost and a treatment plan. Than we will know if the Church can help cover it. As for school, the August date has been very stressful since I do not yet know if they will accept me as a "Utah resident." So, if they do... I might still start in August, if not... I will move it to January and work at New Skin till than. The job at New Skin is looking very promising. I will enjoy it alot and just need to apply, interview, and move. A mission was so much more simpler than what life is right now, but it is also limited to the amount of joy and happiness one can experience. True, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings happiness most have never experienced, but the world has so much more that holds a part within the Plan of Salvation. So, life goes on and the work never stops.
So, that is my little update. Thank you all for your prayers and insights. When the Haralson's came over and we sort of had a "fireside" with me being the speaker... it brought back the fire I much missed. I do not want to lose that. I love you all!


1 comment:

silleeg said...

James my heart goes out to you. I have heard that the transition home from a mission is hard. You are in my prayers!