Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Today at the Smith's...

Mialee and I sing a song that goes like this, whether this is the correct way or not.... 'Sugar pie honey bun, you know that I love you. Can't help myself, I love you and nobody else'. This afternoon, about 20 minutes after Mialee went down for her nap and the house was quiet, I started singing that song to Nathan. I had just finished ...honey bun, when I heard from Mialee's room, 'you know that I love you. Keep singing Mama.' Very cute.

Our day started with more cuteness. I was playing the piano while Mialee danced to the music. She asked me if Jesus would come watch her dance. I assured her He probably was watching her. That led to her asking me if Jesus had eyes. I told her He did and she went on her merry way dancing. Then it was her turn to play the piano. I stood with Nathan and watched as she told me she was playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and asked me if I wanted to dance while she played. :)

Nathan enjoyed his green beans and sweet potatoes for lunch. A picture of just how much he enjoyed them will be posted later. He has only peed on himself twice in the last 14 hours. All of a sudden it starts raining on his face and makes him laugh. Pretty gross if you ask me.

Nathan got whacked in the head today. One minute he was happy and the next crying. Mialee happened to be near him so I thought I would ask her if she knew why he was crying. She said, "I hit him in the head with his toy." Then she held up the toy and pointed to the red mark by his eye. After we talked about it, she leaned over to him, kissed him and said, " I am sorry Nafan. Now you have a booboo."

That's all folks....

1 comment:

Stefley said...

Oh boy that Mailee sounds very entertaining! It must be a riot everyday to hear what she'll say next! Oh the things I have to look forward to!